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匿名的用户   2019-6-29 01:29   12905   5
利率波动率的定义,取决于怎样的定义才能准确的刻画利率和利率波动的市场行为。最简单的定义当然是利率值的绝对波动,称为normal vol或者bp vol (假设已经通过合适的测度变换将drift term去除,后文的表达式将仅含有diffusion term):

实践证明,在利率不太低的环境下,normal vol是一个合适的度量。其所隐含的利率分布类似于正态分布。当然, 这一分布在低利率下是存在问题的(自然也有其优点,考虑到近几年负利率的常态化)。因此在利率较低时自然人们倾向于另一种波动率的度量,也就是lognormal vol或者percentage vol:

  ,  称为波动率的 backbone。根据波动率的性质,又可以将backbone分解为ATM backbone和skew backbone,分别刻画ATM vol以及vol skew随标的量的变化。
Backbone 的存在和建模,对于资产的动态对冲(dynamic hedging)非常重要。特别的,由于backbone的存在,导致期权价格对于标的的一阶导数也就是Delta发生了“泄露”,其一部分贡献被Vega通过backbone 占去:

对于lognormal backbone,   其隐含波动率(ATM/skew)不随标的量的变化而改变,其backbone对于spot是一条水平直线。
对于normal vol,  隐含波动率(ATM/skew)随着标的量的增加而递增,其backbone为一条上升的曲线。

时模型分别退化为normal 和lognormal vol.

当我们用另外一个随机过程去刻画vol of vol
( 同时考虑其与

Good question.
The reason you would take the difference of log of price for equity is that the fundamental assumption for equity price evolving process is 'Geometric Brownian Motion'. Not the same for interest rate. (when variable x follows GBM, its log follows BM)
For interest rate (instant forward rate is the focus of modeling here), empirically, (as a commonly accepted assumption among the practitioners) the properties of its evolving process is characterized as:
  • When approaching/ around 0%, interest rate tends to follow a GBM process
  • When far from 0% or when 0% is not a benchmark anymore ( as in the case of Japan and Europe), interest rate tends to follow a Brownian Motion process.
As a result, the most simplistic model would be to assume it follows a * GBM + b * BM
where a and b are weights for respective process and is a function of the itself. This translates into some statistical differential functions. But this is not the only way to model it.
In trading, people use both terminologies at the same time, while specifying if the quote was 'black vol' (which is calculated using log diff) or 'normal vol' (which is calculated using difference). They are not inter-changeable but could be converted pretty easily given a curve and model parameters.
Hope it helps.
@Steven Li 回答的基础上,黑猫想谈一点这些模型之间内部的关联和结构。
2.对于远期率f(t, T), 他的波动率在HJM框架下是r_t的复合产物之一。但是对于其他产品而言(债券,cap/floor, swaption),它也是一个中间产物。所以除非专门用模型然后去校准,也是既不会看到它也不会用到它。
3.对于Libor(一种特定形式的远期率),是有对应衍生品,甚至是可以视为单独的Underlying的。因此即可以根据underlying的历史数据去估计他的波动率,也可以用它对应的vanilla产品caplet(一般是多期形式cap)去校准(一般采用的是后者,因为Libor虽然可以视作underlying,有报价,但是一般不会被单独交易,其衍生品cap/floor反而广泛流通)。 当然如果走了前两个率的步骤,也可以在特定框架下(LMM)去构建出他的波动率,但是实际意义远不如直接从underlying和其衍生品估计出来的有意义。
这里不继续提swap,因为swap rate不作为一般意义上的利率处理
当明确了讨论的是哪个率,估计波动率的目的是什么,以及所选用的框架后,可以参照 @Steven Li 的回答。
波动率的含义取决于所选的模型,简单的看,对价格去log return,对收益率取diff,去掉unit root以后就可以建模了.
具体的话模型选取取决于产品和目的,风控和前台用的模型不一样,swaption和callable bond的模型不一样。
参考下面9种short rate model,既有dr(t),也有d ln r(t).

Step 1: Calculate yield change ratios as follows: YCR t = r t / r t-1 The yield change ratios are typically daily  ratios (i.e., today’s yield or interest rate divided by yesterday’s)  that are annualized later at a later step in the process.

  • Step 2: Convert yield change ratios into a continuously compounded return (Xt) as follows:
X t = ln YCRt
  • Step 3: Calculate the average of continuously compounded returns (X t) for the time period.
  • Step 4: Sum the squared the differences between the  individual continuously compounded rates of return and the average  calculated in step 3.
= Σ(X t – X average)2
  • Step 5: Divide the sum of squared differences by the number of time periods minus 1.
  = step 4 value / (n-1)
In the context of statistics, this value represents the yield variance
  • Step 6: Take the square root of step 5 to arrive at a periodic (commonly daily) standard deviation (σ daily) for the bond’s yield. This value represents the percentage of the yield’s daily standard deviation and not the actual basis point standard deviation.
  • Step 7: Annualize daily percentage standard deviation.
σ annual = σ daily × √num. of trading days per year
  • The annual standard deviation of a bond’s yield is equal to the  daily standard deviation multiplied by the square root of the number of  trading days in a year.
  • The convention is 250 trading days per year.
  • This value reflects the percentage standard deviation of the yield, not the basis points standard deviation.
  • Step 8: Compute the basis points the standard deviation of the bond’s yield.
σ yield = Yield * σ annual
This value will reflect the standard deviation in terms of basis points around the current yield of the bond.  ”
How to Calculate Interest Rate Volatility? - Finance Train
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